Its time to start playing with your food boys and girls, check out my fascinating foodie find:
A company based out of Montréal has launched the newest food revolution. MOLECULE-R Flavors Inc has just launched their Cuisine R-EVOLUTION Kit. This kit contains everything you need to create original dishes while experimenting with the most popular molecular gastronomy techniques, at home.
For those of you that don’t know: Molecular gastronomy is a discipline practiced by both scientists and food professionals that studies the physical and chemical processes that occur while cooking.
Molecular gastronomy takes the conventional norm of food and turns it inside out; for instance green tea caviar, or arugula spaghetti. These things become possible through the use of additives which manipulate the way food reacts. These changes allow us to create new and interesting ways to experience what we eat.
Until now molecular gastronomy was something you could only experience at very expensive restaurants or by watching Iron Chef. MOLECULE-R Flavors Inc have now made molecular gastronomy accessible to the every-day person. The kit includes specialized tools, additives and a DVD with recipes and ideas. There is also a molecular gastronomy network that has lots of advice and videos for the newly molecular chef.
I think this might be my next big foodie purchase, if anyone else takes the plunge before I do let me know how your experiments turn out.
Good Luck!
To start experimenting purchase your own kit HERE.